By the powers vested in the Outremer King of Arms by his Grace King Richard II and Queen Treacaigh II and in times past by, Pedro & Esther, Richard & Treacaigh, Rhiannon & Galvyn, Aria & Melias, Tomas & Bronwyn, Ian & Ygerne, Robert & Eleanor, Andreas & Roselinda, Tomas & Eormid, Bonniface & Elysende
Soveriegns of the Holy Kingdom of Acre all and by the Laws of Acre and during the entire length of their reigns, these regulations and duties were and are in effect and presently administered by the Outremere King of Arms and all Heralds and Persuivants, Territorial and Free.
I. The College of Heralds.
The College consists of the Outremere King of Arms and the Territorial Heralds. The Outremere King of Arms is the principle Herald, Dean of the College and appointed by sovereign. The Territorial Heralds are duly elected
from the pool of qualified heralds and pursuivants in their respective territorial elections and are confirmed by the Outremere. The King of Arms may appoint a Herald from outside the Territory to serve the Territory should none be duly elected or confirmed by the King of Arms. The College duties include research, consult and assistance in creating Arms and badges, the filing of application for Grant of Arms and registration of badges and livery colors. Arms are granted by the Sovereign through the College of Heralds. Heralds/pursuivants at Large are active qualified heralds or pursuivants that are not members of the College but under the jurisdiction of the College.
A) Outremere King of Arms wears tabard with the Kingdom Arms
1. Qualifications
a) Must be a full Herald
2. Duties
a) Maintenance of College records, Kingdom Roll of Arms, Kingdom Heraldic
b) Maintenance of College treasury
d) Determination of application for Grants of Arms
e) Notification of Grantees
f) To preside over Royal Courts and act as the official voice of the Crown A Royal
Court Herald may be installed by the Crown or Outremer to fulfill this duty.
g) Oversee Enforcement of Heraldic codes
h) To purvey a yearly Grand Tournament
i) To oversee the orderly arrangement of tournaments at their option (including the
recording of the names of the combatants and the results of the combats)
B) Territorial Herald wears respective Territorial Tabard ( worn sideways if
1. Qualifications
a) Must hold at least the level of pursuivant
2. Duties
a) Maintenance of Territorial Roll of Arms, Territorial Heraldic possessions
b) Consult with applicants for Grant of Arms, badges, and all Heraldic
d) To keep vigil over heraldic codes and report infractions to the King of Arms
e) To assist in submission for Grant of Arms
i) Completeness of application
ii) Check Basic heraldic accuracy
iii) May engage courtesy check of SCA rolls
iv) Submission of application to the King of Arms
f) To preside over local courts or Royal courts in the absence of the King of Arms
or the Royal Court Herald
g) May oversee the orderly arrangement of tournaments within their respective
Territory at their option or that of the Crown or ranking military official (including
the recording of the names of the combatants and the results of the combats)
3.The Territories and the Herald
a) Ile de Greye-herault Tour D'Noir-Black Tower herald
b) Tyre- herault crown d'or- Gold Crown Herald
c) Ayn Jalute-herault Fountian-Fountian Herald
d) Kyrenia -herault Croix d'or- Gold Cross Herald
e) Montfort- herault Chastel d'Argent- Silver Castle herald
f) Chastel Pellerin- herault Escallop d'Or - Gold Shell herald
g) Tripoli -herault Cheval Poisson-Sea-horse herald
h) Ascalon-herault Escallop d'Argent-Silver Shell herald
C) Heralds wears tabard of the College (red with white crossed batons)
1. Qualifications and Duties
a) Must engage in original research in heraldry and produce a work of no less than
500 words to be submitted to the College for reference and possible publication
b) Must demonstrate a proficient knowledge of heraldry
c) Must demonstrate a proficient knowledge of Kingdom heraldic conventions
including corporate and Kingdom Law
d) Must function "at large" and engage in heraldic service to the Kingdom or
e) May train new pursuivants
f) May Consult with applicants for Grant of Arms, badges, and all Heraldic
g) May oversee the orderly arrangement of tournaments at the option of the Crown
or ranking military official (including the recording of the names of the
combatants and the results of the combats)
D) Pursuivants (wear respective, Territorial or College Tabards side ways)
1. Qualifications and Duties
a) Must demonstrate a basic knowledge of heraldry to the Dean of the College
b) May participate in the orderly arrangement of tournaments(including the
recording of the names of the combatants and the results of the combats)
c) Must Engage in heraldic service to the Kingdom or College with prior consult
and approval of the King of Arms (i.e.- original research in heraldry and produce a
work of no less than 500 words , submitted to the College)
II. Who may receive a Grant of Arms.
Only individuals and territories may receive a Grant of Arms. Households will not be Granted arms and should use the Arms of the Patriarch/Matriarch of the household. A fictitious head may be created and granted Arms to be used as household arms.
III.Who may register a Badge
Patriarch/Matriarch of the household may register a Household Badge. Kingdom Orders and Companys must register their badge and livery. Guilds may register a badge. Territories may register badges Individuals may register badges if they have a Grant of Arms (this may be done at the same time but is not required.)
IV. Reserved and Protected
A. Reserved for the Crown from Kingdom Arms "Azure, three harts salient argent a bordure or crusilly argent"and Arms of the Heir apparent-"Azure, three harts argent"
a) the white hart and hind
b) the cross- crosslet (military)
c) the cross potent (non-military)
B.Reserved for the Military
a) the cross-crosslet between four crosslets-Knight
b) the cross-crosslet-Sergeant
c) the cross fleury fitchy between four crosslets-Chevalier
d) the cross fleury fitchy -Ensign
e) A cross barby recrossed between four crosslets-Master of the Bow
f) A cross barby recrossed-Yoeman
g) On a Cross-crosslet an lance all between four crosslets- Master of the Horse
h) the cross pheony or- the Order of St. Michael the Defender
i)The Order of the Mailed Fist- A mailed hand clenched
C. Protected for the Civilian Orders-badge/livery
a) The Order of the Great Heart (Nameless Order)-a Rose Argert/gules
b) The Queens Order of the Garb-A Garb Or
c) the Order of the White Hart-A collared stag
d) The Order of the Ringe)The Order of the Golden Bowl-A Bowl Or
f) The Order of the Muse- A Lyre Or
g) The Order of the Quill-two quills in saltire surmounted by a quill erect
h) The Order of the Artisan- a key upon an open book
D. Augmentations
Augmentations shall be employed as:
*the cross(es) of Jerusalem being accepted as the cross potent ( for non knightly or its equivalent class) and the cross crosslet ( for those of the knightly or its equivalent class)
*born singly or in semé or crusilly
*within a chief, the quarter, the canton, the gyron, the pile, the flasque, the bordure, the bend, the fess, or the pale
*tinctured Or upon Argent or Argent upon Or without regard to the underlying tincture of the Arms as said augmentation shall be considered "cousu" or sewn onto the arms.
V. Procedure for Application of Grant of Arms
1. Applicant should consult with the Territorial or Herald at Large or the King of Arms who will assist in the design of Arms
2. Application for Grant of Arms form should be filled out by the consulting herald. Emphasis should be placed on proper blazoning, period content and heraldic arrangement of Arms. At least a rough sketch tricked must be made on the application giving indication of the charges disposition, direction and placement.
3. Once completed (livery, badges and motto are optional and should generally only be used for those with retainers) the form and three dollars is submitted to the King of Arms and notification of final determination of acceptability shall be made within 90 days.
4. Upon Grant of Arms the applicant is required to produce a banner (see banner specifications) bearing their Arms within 6 months. The Grant is considered provisional until said banner is produced. The applicant may request assistance in the proper period artistic style.
VI.Specifications for Banners
A. Banners shall be square or rectangular in shape. Rectangular banners height cannot exceed one and a half times its width. Shield shaped banners are not authentic to our period and therefore do not fulfill Corporate or Kingdom Law requirements.
B. The Arms must fill the available space of the banner.
C. Size the banner as follows:
1. Banners for recipients of Awards of Honor, Knights, and Members of Orders
shall be approximately two foot wide.
2. Banners for Barons, Viscounts, Counts, Earls and Marquis shall be three foot
3. Banners for dukes and princes shall be four foot square. Banners for the Crown
Prince/Princess shall depict the arms of the Heir Apparent, and be four foot wide.
4. Banners for the king, shall depict the kingdom arms and be five foot wide.
D. All members of the Chivalry at Tournament and at War are required to display
their Banner of Arms. Under no circumstances is a banner larger than the king's
banner to be publicly displayed, except by prior approval of the crown.
E. The banner may be constructed to be hung from the pole as a modern flag,
hung from a traverse bar, or as a gonfanon, that is to say in a frame which turns
about the post, like a vane.
F. The arms may be displayed on one or both sides of the banner. Banners hung
upon a traverse bar were usually constructed with the arms on one side only.
G. Dags, streamers or points may appear on the bottom or side of the banner.
Overall height should not exceed three times the width. Generally they should
reflect the livery colors.
VII. Procedure and specifications for Registration of Livery
A. Livery colors generally reflect the first color and first metal of ones Arms but
exceptions of other heraldic colors are within period standard.
B. Notify the Territorial herald or the King of Arms in writing
VIII. Procedure and specifications for Registration of Badges
A. Badges are fieldless by nature as they are usually placed upon the livery colors
on standards, comparisons or the clothing (the breast or sleeve) of servants and
retainers of the registrant of the badge or on medallions.
B. A badge may only have a "field" if the field is bound within a charge (ie within a
wreath, chaplet, or garter etc) which could retain a field)
C. If a badge has more than one charge, they must be conjoined or touch in some
way to maintain a single unit.
IX. Coronets of Nobility
A. The King of Acre has the sole privilege of wearing a coronet of gold bearing
four cross crosslets and fleur-de-lis alternately
B. The Queen of Acre has the sole privilege of wearing a coronet of gold bearing
four cross crosslets and four fleurs-de-lis alternately
C. The Crown Prince of Acre has the sole privilege of wearing a coronet of silver
bearing four long cross patee and four fleurs-de-lis alternately
D. The Crown Princess of Acre has the sole privilege of wearing a coronet of silver
bearing four long cross patee and four fleurs-de-lis alternately
E. Territorial Prince
F. Duke (Duc) or Duchess have the sole privilege of wearing a coronet of gold
bearing eight strawberry leaves upon short points
G. Marquis or Marquess (Marchioness, Marquise) have the sole privilege of
wearing a coronet of gold bearing four strawberry leaves and four large pearls
alternately upon short points.
H. Count (Conte) or Countess have the sole privilege of wearing a coronet of gold
bearing eight strawberry leaves and eight pearls alternately upon short points
I. Viscount/ess retain the sole privilege of wearing a circlet of gold bearing
fourteen large pearls alternately.